Does Lime Juice Go Bad? How Long Does It Last?


Does Lime Juice Go Bad? How Long Does It Last?

Yes, lime juice can go bad. Fresh lime juice lasts about 2 to 3 days in the fridge.

As with all fruit juices, it has a limited shelf life and will spoil eventually. But did you know that bottled lime juice can last for months in the fridge? This is because the acidity of the lime juice helps preserve it and prevents bacteria growth. Pretty cool, right? If you're curious about how long different types of lime juice last and how to keep it fresh for longer, keep reading!

Types of Lime Juice

How long your juice lasts depends on a few things: how you store it, whether you squeeze it yourself or buy it from the store, and how it's preserved.

Cold-Pressed or Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice

If you love making homemade lime juice, then listen up. Freshly squeezed lime juice tastes the best when consumed immediately. However, if you can't finish it all, you can store it in the fridge for up to 2 to 3 days before it starts to lose its flavor. 

But, get this—fresh limes can last for up to 15 days in the fridge. So, instead of making a bottle of lime juice and keeping it as an alternative to store-bought versions, it is better to keep fresh limes in the fridge ready to be juiced. This way, you can make fresh lime juice whenever you want, without worrying about it losing its flavor.

Unopened Store-Bought Lime Juice

If you happen to buy lime juice that comes in bottles or tetra packs cartons from the store, it's likely to last longer than homemade lime juice. You can easily check the “best by” or “expiration” date on the packaging to know how long it's recommended to consume the product for best quality. And, if you haven't opened the lime juice yet, you can store it properly, and it should last for several months beyond the printed date.

Opened Store-Bought Lime Juice

So, here's the thing about lime juice: once you pop that bottle open, it starts to lose its freshness pretty quickly. That's because it's exposed to air and can get contaminated. To keep it tasting its best, it's a good idea to store it in the fridge and use it up within a week or two. If you're not using it very often, you might want to grab the smallest container available. Just make sure to read the label for any special instructions or warnings about how to store and use it.

Just a quick heads up, these are just general guidelines to keep in mind when checking the shelf life of lime juice. It's always a good idea to double-check the expiration date and take any specific recommendations or variations into consideration. And don't forget to trust your senses – give it a sniff, a taste, and a look to make sure it hasn't gone bad.

What the Dates on Juice Labels Really Mean

So, you might be wondering if it’s safe to use your lime juice after its “expiration” date, right? Well, the truth is, those dates on store-bought juice containers are just recommendations. In the case of lime juice, it’s usually labeled with terms like “Best By,” “Best if Used By,” “Best Before,” or “Best When Used By,” which basically just gives you an idea of when it’ll taste its best. 

But don’t worry, as long as your bottle is undamaged, and you’ve stored it properly, you can still use it after that date. Of course, the color and flavor might change a bit after a while, but that doesn’t mean it’s unsafe to consume. Just make sure there are no signs of spoilage, and you’re good to go.

Hey, did you know that there's one date on food products you should never ignore? It's the “Sell By” date. All the other dates printed on the packaging are based on that date. So, if you see that the “Sell By” date has passed, it's best not to buy that food product.

Tell-Tale Signs of Lime Juice Spoilage

So, you know how lime juice can last longer than other juices, but it can still spoil, right? Well, here's the deal: lime juice is pretty acidic, which makes it harder for bacteria to grow. But if you leave it out of the fridge or in a warm spot, it won't be long before it starts to go bad. That's why it's important to know what to look for when figuring out if it's time to toss that lime juice.

Smell Test

If you're wondering if your lime juice has gone bad, the easiest way to check is to give it a good sniff. If it smells funky or off in any way, it's probably not good to use. The smell of citrus is usually a dead giveaway when it comes to freshness. So, if you've had that bottle of lime juice open for a while, make sure to take a whiff before using it. If it doesn't smell like fresh limes, it's time to toss it out. Your lime juice should have a strong and pleasant scent that's refreshing and citrusy. Your senses will usually let you know if something's not quite right with your lime juice.

Taste Test

So, even after sniffing the lime juice, you're still not sure if that lime juice is still good to drink or not? Take a tiny sip and see how it tastes. If it's not sour enough or just doesn't taste like lime, it's time to say goodbye. Trust me, you don't want to risk getting sick from a bad batch of lime juice.

Color Change

Many people worry about their lime juice changing color and getting darker. But don't fret, just because the color has changed doesn't mean it's spoiled – as long as there are no other warning signs. It's actually a natural process and completely normal. So, if your lime juice still tastes good, then it's all good.

However, even if your lime juice hasn't spoiled, it can still lose its flavor over time. It's a gradual process, but eventually, the juice won't taste as fresh as it used to. So, make sure to use it up before it reaches that point.

Can Old Lime Juice Make You Sick?

Did you know that consuming expired, or old products can be dangerous? Even if it's something as simple as lime juice. Whether you bought it from the store or made it at home, if it's been sitting in your fridge for too long, it could be contaminated with bacteria or toxins. 

This can lead to symptoms of food poisoning, which we definitely don't want. So, be sure to always practice food safety and give your products a quick inspection before using them. It's better to be safe than sorry.

How to Keep Lime Juice Fresh for Longer

Have you ever thought about freezing lime juice? It's actually a pretty cool idea and super easy to do at home. All you need is a freezer and an ice cube tray. 

If you've just squeezed some fresh lime juice and want to save it for later, you can store it in the freezer for up to four months. Just remember to strain it first, then pour it into ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen, you can transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe bag or container. 

And if you've got bottled lime juice lying around, you can freeze that too! Just make sure the bottle is tightly sealed and has room for expansion. You can even pour it into ice cube trays if you like. With these simple tips, you'll never have to worry about wasting lime juice again. If you find you have more lime juice than you can use, we recommend trying one of our delicious juice blends as well.

How Best To Defrost Frozen Lime Juice

If you've got frozen lime juice, and you're ready to use it, here's a quick tip. It's best to let it thaw in the fridge for a few hours instead of trying to speed up the process. This way, it will thaw nice and slow, and you won't have to worry about any weird flavors creeping in.


In a nutshell, lime juice can spoil if not kept in the right conditions. Depending on how much you use, you might want to consider buying a bottle of lime juice or keeping a few limes in the fridge. 

But here's the thing – store-bought lime juice can actually last a while even after opening it. It's also cost-effective. However, nothing beats the punchy and flavorful taste of fresh lime juice. 

If you're not a huge fan of lime juice and only use it occasionally, fresh limes are your best bet.

To sum it up, both store-bought and freshly squeezed lime juice can go bad. Freshly squeezed doesn't last as long due to the absence of preservatives, but the taste is totally worth it.

