
How Much Does Juicing Cost?

The price of making fresh juice at home in the U.S. may differ based on many considerations, like the kind of produce used, if it is in season, and more.

Here's a quick answer to satisfy your curiosity quickly:

The cost of making a 16oz glass of juice at home will typically range between $2.50 and $5 depending on the ingredients and type of juicer you use. This does not include the cost of the juicer itself.

Let’s look at aspects to consider so you can come up with a solid estimate for yourself.

Factors That Impact The Cost of Juicing At Home

We'll go over the following factors, all of which can impact the price of your homemade glass of juice:

  • Where you live
  • Where you buy fresh produce
  • The quality and type of your juicer
  • Whether you buy organic fruits and veggies
  • The average electricity price in your area (relatively minor factor)

Where You Live

Do you have access to a good farmers' market or a great co-op near you? Is your location close to a major city or an area with a lot of juice crops? The answer to these questions will have a major impact on how much juicing costs.

If you're living in an area with a reasonably low cost of living, you can get your produce for around $40 per week. However, the same produce would cost significantly more, ranging between $80 and $100, in other areas.

Where You Buy Fresh Produce

The cost of making your own juice at home with a standard juicer, and buying fruits and veggies from a grocery store, can vary from about $1 to $5 per glass, depending on what ingredients you use and how many fruits or veggies you need. While three oranges could give you a glass of juice, you'll need more than a bunch of kale to fill a juice glass.

Check out our juicing recipes for a huge collection of chef-made creations that will help you maximize juice yield.


The Quality and Type of Juicer You Use

The cost and type of juicer will have an impact on your up front cost (i.e. when you buy the juicer) and your overall juice yield.

Some juicers cost as little as $50, though the quality suffers when using cheaper options like this. That said, it's better than not juicing!

There are also juicers that cost upwards of $500. These will work faster and you'll typically get more yield from your produce when using them.

A huge factor is the type of juicer you use. Juice made on a juice press (like the ones we sell to cold-pressed juice businesses and restaurants) have by far the best yield and quality. Centrifugal and masticating juicers are cheaper options that won't get nearly as much yield out of the produce, and the quality of the outputted juice will be lower.


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Whether You Buy Organic Fruit and Veggies

The quality of the fresh produce you use in your juicer is incredibly important when it comes to both the cost and the quality of the output. Of course, shopping for organic produce at farmers' markets and Whole Foods will be pricier than buying from regular grocery stores.

Health Related Considerations

A Consumer Reports study determined that, in general, organic food is 47% more expensive than non-organic food, yet it is a worthwhile investment. Research from the Annals of Internal Medicine demonstrated that regular produce had five times more pesticide residue than organic produce. Additionally, organic food was found to have notably higher levels of antioxidants. Thus, paying extra for organic makes good health sense, rather than extravagance.

The Average Electricity Price in your Area

Approximately $1.50 to $2.50 could be expected to be spent at the average American grocery store for the ingredients needed to make a glass of juice comprised of one apple, one carrot, and one celery stalk, depending on the season and location.

The approximate cost of making a single glass of juice with a juicer that uses 200 watts of power for 10 minutes would be between $1.53 and $2.53, with the electricity cost amounting to around $0.03. So, electricity cost is a relatively minor factor when it comes to the cost of juicing at home.

Final Verdict

To get a definitive answer about how much juicing costs, you’ll have to evaluate the cost of juicing based on the prices and availability of purchasing in your area.

Additionally, consider that the health benefits of homemade juice, like no longer having to buy vitamin supplements, may be more valuable than buying pre-made options that may not be as pure, even though it may cost more.
