Pineapple Apple Green Juice with Ginger & Kale (Mountain Doo)
This is the perfect recipe if you want to start drinking green juice. It's fruity and fun, some say it tastes like a healthy version of Mountain Dew soda!

Serving Size:
12 oz
green apple | 8 oz |
kale | 1 oz |
celery | 4 oz |
pineapple | 3 oz |
lemon | 0.9 oz |
ginger | 0.8 oz |
Cut the base off of the celery, wash and weigh the produce thoroughly.
Remove the green crown from the pineapple and cut into chunks. If you have a juice press, leave the skin on both the pineapple and the lemon. If you don’t have a juice press, peel the pineapple and the lemon and juice with the rest of the produce.
Place the lemon directly into the press and juice the remaining produce together.
Pro tips
Pineapple is a mushy fruit, so take care not to overfill the press to avoid overflow.
Remove the green crown but leave the skin on the pineapple if using a Goodnature juice press. It contains a high concentration of valuable nutrients.
When putting the produce down the hopper of the grinder, it is best to use a mix of greens and the softer fruits like pineapple. The greens grind better this way and the end result is more juice. Leave 2 or 3 chunks of apples for the very end, as apples do a good job at cleaning the grinder and pushing any bits of greens or ginger through that didn’t make it through.
All juice recipes developed on the Goodnature Hummingbird cold press juicer. Learn more at